mcg massip comunicacio gràfica

Hi there! This is Esben, an elegant photography theme. Are you ready to show your work to the world?


Blevit and Blemil Laboratorios Ordesa Packaging

Laboratorios Ordesa commissioned us to design their brand and the packaging for their Blevit and Blemil
baby food packaging. Specifically, they asked us to create an image for their national and international range
of cereals and baby milks. We had over 300 catalogue items. We decided to use some colour codes that represent
the ingredients contained in each package and a graphic structuring that would allow it to be applied throughout
the range. For example, those containing vegetables were designed in different green tones, because in this way
the colour is associated with the ingredient. We also designed its corporate visual identity manuals to facilitate
application in the country where necessary.
